Targeted Advice

To achieve faster crop establishment our seaweed extracts are best applied to the soil and young plants, around the roots.

Hydroponics, or drenching roots every week via a fertigation or some such other system, provides excellent results and all our products can be easily applied through most commercial glasshouse or commercial horticulture systems.

When transplanting, bare roots can be dipped in a dilute solution of Maxicrop, prior to planting out.

Once plants are well established, regular applications to the foliage should commence. These will improve the plant’s natural resistance mechanisms making them better able to combat the negative effects of adverse weather and other environmental stresses.

Our products can be applied through most spray application systems and blockages are very rare. When aiming to hit the plant leaf, spraying practice should aim to ensure a thorough coverage and good retention. Wetting agents may help improve spread where leaves are particularly waxy.

We also have commercial tank-mix compatibilities with a range of fungicides and other pesticides – contact for full details.

This ensures time and cost-savings and brings synergistic dual-benefits from applying the two products at the same time.

Applications to the foliage and roots will also enable plants to protect and maintain their photosynthetic apparatus during periods of stress allowing for better light utilization and so providing greater energy for growth and productivity.