Top Fruit

Practical experience, backed by fundamental research has shown that fruit growers will get the best results from Maxicrop by adopting a regular, ‘little and often’ spray approach. This system, which keeps the plant, and at certain times of the year the soil, topped-up with the bio-stimulant has been widely promoted as the Maxicrop Triple approach.

Maxicrop Triple

The Maxicrop Triple approach involves 1.5l/ha applications of Maxicrop Triple every 7-14 days during the growing season; switching to a higher rate 3l/ha spray during periods of significant stress.

Maxicrop Triple Benefits

Adopting the Maxicrop Triple approach brings season-long benefits with healthier trees producing higher yields. This will be seen as…

  • Improved establishment and early growth of young transplanted trees, increasing early fruit yields.
  • Reduced stress due to environmental factors such as frost and sunburn on fruit and leaf tips.
  • Minimal tree root dieback and maintenance of soil fertility.
  • Leaves ‘darken-up’ and increase in size to protect blooms. This strengthens fruit set potential.
  • Reduced incidence of canker, mildew and scab in apples or rust in plums from trees which respond more quickly to fungicide applications.
  • Reduced pest attack – particularly red spider mite and other sap-sucking insects, facilitating the use of acaricides.
  • Reduced fruit loss as a result of minimal storage rots.

Season upon season use will bring cumulative benefits, helping ensure the prolonged productive life and health of fruit trees. The full effects of the Maxicrop Triple approach have been confirmed following a long-term research programme by the National Association of Cider Manufacturers (NACM)

Natural Benefits

The Maxicrop Triple approach improves the efficiency of the plant’s own natural defence and stress relief mechanisms. This provides a gradual improvement in tree health.

This in turn increases the efficacy of certain crop protection products applied to reduce disease or pest attack.

The end result is better quality fruit and higher yields, helping to satisfy the increasing quality demands of the consumer.

Conversion Period

Conversion from a more conventional crop management programme to that where the Maxicrop Triple programme is providing the full potential tree health benefits, can take between 2-4 years.

Much depends upon the existing state of the crop. However, once the programme is in place the effects are long lasting and cumulative.


On new trees, early sprays that target the soil, or root dipping prior to transplanting, will maximise soil microbial activity, encouraging rooting and reducing the risk from soil borne disease.

Similarly, early spring applications on established trees and plants, around the root zone, encourage and enhance soil microbial activity.

Follow-up foliar applications will green leaves and encourage early growth, minimising the effects of stresses such as frost.

Mature Trees

Regular season-long use will ensure environmental stresses plus pest and disease attacks can be better withstood, offering quick plant recovery and return to a more naturally healthy state.

See Research notes | Recommendations

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