Increased Root Growth – University of Wales – Aberystwyth
Researchers recorded a near trebling (190% increase) in perennial ryegrass, root dry weight after five weeks following the use of Maxicrop Seaweed Extract.
“The ability of Maxicrop to improve root development gives the plant a greater potential to increase nutrient uptake. Similarly, under field conditions, an increased resistance to water stress could be expected from a more extensive root system.”
University of Wales – Aberystwyth
In a field trial, by the Henry Doubleday Research Association Maxicrop increased root dry weight by 69%, four months after sowing.
At Writtle Colleage Maxicrop Triple had a positive effect on improving root growth of creeping bent cultivars. Fescues and browntop bent also showed positive effects, but these were more limited.
Turf Greening – Sports Turf Research Institute
Maxicrop Plus Iron Products
Two applications of Maxicrop No.6 ProGreen the first in mid-August, the second at the beginning of September, helped provide greener turf until the beginning of October. The effect lasted through the autumn and was statistically significant for up to a six week period. Five further applications starting in May and ending in September, produced significantly greener turf on most assessment dates during the spring and summer of the following year. Where a high fertiliser regime was used, the green-up effects were more pronounced.
Maxicrop (Plus Iron) improved turf colour just one day after spraying and the effect lasted beyond 4 weeks after spraying in trials at the SAC-Aberdeen.
Improved Soil Health
Research at the University of Strathclyde shows that Maxicrop can produce a 20-times increase in soil bacteria numbers 24 hours after application.
There was also a 50% increase in the activity of a specific group of bacteria – Psuedomonas putida – as measured by the amount of enzymes produced.
Improved Disease Resistance
Research by the University of Strathclyde confirms that Maxicrop stimulates certain beneficial soil microbes (see above). At the same time the effect encouraged a variety of plant pathogens to become dormant. These included:-
Phytopthera cinnamomi – ROOT AND COLLAR ROT
Pythium ultimum – DAMPING OFF
The work demonstrated a reduction in biological activity around the root surface 10-15 days after the pathogen was introduced to Maxicrop treated soils.
Professor Geoff Dixon says that:-
“There is a parallel between Maxicrop and the natural phenomenon known as soil suppressiveness in which abiotic and biotic factors interact to repress pathogens within the soil.”
For a complete Technical Dossier of all our many amenity turf trials, contact
Increased Tillering
At the University of Wales – Aberystwyth, Maxicrop Seaweed Extract produced a 50% increase in leaf area, through stimulating more early formed tillers.
And at Writtle College Maxicrop Triple, produced a 150% improvement in shoot weight, largely by increasing the numbers of tillers in creeping bent, from an average of 2.46/plant to 3.3/plant.
Four months after a September sowing, Maxicrop Seaweed Extract significantly improved ryegrass cover at the Henry Doubleday Research Association (see graph).
Moss Eradication
Three months after spraying, nine out of ten different application rates of Maxicrop No.2 Mosskiller and Conditioner gave acceptable moss kill at the Sports Turf Research Institute. The best rate were at the company’s recommended rate – 150l/ha.
All treatments took effect 3 days after spraying and effects stared to fade after 4 months.
At Writtle College, Maxicrop No.2 Mosskiller and Conditioner provided a 95-100% kill. Indeed the added bio-stimulant had helped boost grass growth, as assessed by clipping weight after a fortnight.
For a complete Technical Dossier of all our many amenity turf trials, contact
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Valagro UK Ltd is a Valagro Group Company.
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