Recommendations – Sugar Beet

1: 2.5l/ha of Maxicrop Triple at early cotyledon to hit the soil

followed by…

2: 2.5l/ha of Maxicrop Triple at around 4 true leaves


3: 1.5l/ha at 2-4 week intervals mixed with pesticides/trace elements.

Water Volumes Apply foliage sprays in sufficient water volumes (100-400l/ha) to ensure maximum leaf and stem coverage, as well as crop penetration.

Tank Mix Procedure The order in which products are added to the spray tank is generally not critical, although good practice is always to add Maxicrop to the spray tank last.

Where possible, shake well before use and add to a half-filled sprayer. Keep the agitation system working throughout the mixing and during spraying.

As an alternative to Maxicrop Triple, use Maxicrop Concentrate or Maxicrop Original. Conversion rates are given in the table opposite.

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